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Writer's pictureMouniirah DEME

FAQ: Special 2nd Anniversary.

Hello dear readers! I hope this article finds you in good health. Today, our page is celebrating another milestone. Time has passed so quickly, and since November 22, 2021, when this journey began, more than 737 days have elapsed. In the 70 articles published so far, we have covered various topics such as travel, languages, current events, health, and most recently, love. This year, we also introduced a new section: #iiaskyou, which gives a voice to people like you, like me, individuals with different but inspiring journeys if we take the time to listen to them. A year ago, I wrote A Special Note for You... in which I explained the various stages of creating this blog, why this blog, and how writing has become, in addition to being a means of expression, a form of therapy. On the occasion of these 2 years, I present to you a FAQ including the questions I have been asked most often by you, as well as your suggestions. Thank you for being a part of this project, which would not have been possible without you. Enjoy reading!


  • How did the idea of a blog come to you?

I've always loved writing. Since my 5th grade, I started putting down on paper whatever came to my mind. I wrote poems, even songs! I also always enjoyed creating, learning, and sharing what I learned. Later, I wanted to venture into content creation because I believed, like everyone else, I had ideas and interesting opinions to share. Initially, I thought about making educational videos, but I opted for writing because it's the form of expression I felt and still feel most comfortable with.

  • Why use this type of medium (blog) to share articles with us?

Creating a blog in 2023, especially given the environment I evolved in, wasn't the easiest path. Most of my readers are friends, acquaintances, or people who knew me through various connections. The truth is, people read less and less. So, starting a blog was a somewhat risky endeavor. But, as I said, I wanted to create, to express, to share. Additionally, I wanted what I shared to be uniquely mine, easily accessible in one place. If someone wonders who Mouniirah DEME is tomorrow, that person can type my name and get access to what I share. Besides all the benefits of reading, it's a way to exist, to leave my mark. Over time and with the foundations I've already laid, I'm trying to diversify the way I communicate. So, in addition to written articles, there are videos, and God willing, I will try other forms so that everyone can find something they resonate with, whether they are auditory or visual learners. Anyway, thank you again because I am aware that it's a project that is not too common, and despite that, I have your interest and support. God bless you.

  • What inspires you?

I draw inspiration from everything, haha. I draw inspiration from my own experiences first because I wanted this page to reflect me. Then, I draw inspiration from my environment, the people around me, and their experiences. I also draw inspiration from my readings and the videos I follow. Speaking of videos, for example, it's thanks to the #ABTalks channel that I got the idea to launch my interviews. I can also be inspired by current events, trending topics, etc.

  • How are the topics chosen?

The topics are chosen somewhat randomly. However, it's true that before the year begins, I already have an idea of how many posts I want to publish, on what dates, and on what topics. But life is unpredictable, when the time comes, if I see that what I had planned no longer aligns with the current needs and realities, I adjust. But generally, it starts from what I read, what I experience, what I see, what I hear, and what intrigues me. Often, I also receive topic suggestions from friends or people a bit more distant. When I think the subject is interesting enough, I note it down and do some research, after which I write an article. As was the case with Check it before using hair relaxers, suggested by Daniela from Consumer Notice, an organization based in Orlando, Florida, dedicated to providing consumers with reliable health and safety information.

  • Why choose this type of subject (love, especially specific male-female relationships)?

Why choose to talk about love... Well, very good question. But first, I have to go back to the random nature of the articles I write. My blog is not a specific page for nutrition advice or matrimonial advice. This page evolves with me and also with my experiences. I introduced the topic of love recently because it's a subject that speaks to me more today than it did yesterday, lol. Apart from being the essence of almost everything, I think love is one of the most misunderstood things. I learned some lessons the hard way. So, I hope that through the different articles I write, people who have gone through or are currently going through similar situations will find comfort, will find hope, and that people who are not affected will know what to do when certain situations arise or what to do to prevent these situations. And don't you think the world would be better if we stopped using love, and when I say love, I mean in general, in romantic, friendly, fraternal, and even professional relationships, as a weapon? If love finally served its intended purpose? I think so.

“Believe me, true love is eternal, infinite, always like itself; it is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations; it sees itself in white hair, always young at heart.” — Honoré de Balzac.

  • How long does it take you to write your articles?

The time I take to write each article depends first on the theme I address. It can vary between 3 hours and 1 week. Sometimes more, when I find myself writing about complex subjects that require a lot of research, or if I simply lose inspiration for it, I leave the article in my drafts and come back days, weeks, or even months later. On average, though, it takes me 3 days. 2 for the actual writing and 1 day for translation and correction of potential errors.

  • Why did you choose Wix instead of other hosting platforms like WordPress?

When I started this project two years ago, I was quite a novice. I had heard of hosting software like WordPress, Blogger, etc., but I didn't have much experience with them. I tried building a website once before, in 2018 if I remember correctly, and it was with WordPress. At that time, I had a bit of difficulty understanding the platform. So, when I wanted to relaunch the project in 2021, I looked for alternatives and that's how I came across Wix. I knew what I wanted the site to look like. I wanted it to be clean, beautiful, and user-friendly. I tried building the site on both platforms simultaneously and was more convinced by the design Wix offered. So, that's where my choice leaned.

  • Why don't you promote your website as much?

This question comes up often. Initially, when I created the site, it was to escape the matrix. Also, to avoid the dopamine cycle generated when you receive a like or a comment. Furthermore, I wrote out of passion, and I thought and still think that I can't force people to be interested in my work. Even though the promotion is relatively low, I still believe that by not forcing people to read, those who do read will do it by choice because the topic interests them, and that's great. However, there is a difference between forcing attention and drawing attention. I understood that and made efforts in that direction.

  • “I often visit your page to see the different news, and I wonder what is the concrete purpose of your page, what message do you want to convey?”

When I receive this question or similar ones, I generally direct the interested party to my About section because almost everything is detailed there. What is the purpose of my page? What message do I want to convey? In reality, I think the message is specific to the listener. For some, my work will encourage them to believe in themselves, in their dreams, and to do what their hearts desire. For others, it might be health advice, nutrition, love, or practical tips for daily life. Perhaps, this page won't convey any message to them. The goals and messages of this page are diverse. But overall, it's also about not influencing but inspiring. So, the next time you ask yourself the question, look deep within yourself and see what inspires you most positively when you read these lines; that message is yours🤗.

  • Do you earn money from what you post?

Until very recently, I didn't consider what I was doing as a job. For me, it was a hobby. In fact, I remember that at the creation of this page, I didn't want to include the question of 'finance' because I thought it could corrupt the reason why I was doing what I was doing. I didn't want to write for money. And it stayed that way for the first 12 months. Then, given the time and effort I was investing, I thought not that I would write to make money, but that I could make money by writing, by, as Gary Vaynerchuk said, capitalizing on my passions. So, I think about it, but so far, it remains... my hobby.

  • Any advice for anyone wanting to start blogging?

I've been approached several times by people who want to embark on a journey similar to mine but have certain fears. The most shared fear is that no one will read their work. I had it too two years ago, and it's entirely justified in the sense that writing takes time, and research takes time. It requires discipline and commitment. Thinking that you'll do all that for nothing can be discouraging. But if I could advise these people, I would tell them to just start. Their work may interest people; it may not. But they will never know if they don't take the plunge. When I look at my case, some articles don't even have 5 views, and even within the 5, I count myself. After all, it doesn't discourage me... Well, to say that it doesn't discourage me would be a lie, but I would say that I always find the strength to continue because I know why I started and the goal I'm aiming for.

“Remember why you started, remember where you’re headed, think of how great it will be to get there, and keep going.” — Ralph Marston.

Also, I learn a lot when I write my articles, so I never waste my time. My first piece of advice would be to write first for yourself. The second piece of advice is consistency, rigor, and a sense of responsibility. You have to be rigorous in the work you do and very careful about the information you share. A blog is very liberal. No one will verify the accuracy of your statements. So, you must be responsible in that sense because for many, what you tell them is what they'll take, what they'll share. It may seem insignificant, but one piece of misinformation can have a huge butterfly effect. The third piece of advice is to be true to yourself. Be true to your personality. Don't try to be someone you're not unless it's your trademark; otherwise, you'll exhaust yourself.

(+) Thanks to Fahouzzia and Romuald for their suggestions 🤎

  • You can often conduct surveys for the themes you address. That way, you're sure you're creating content that interests us readers more.

  • I would like you to talk about a subject: self-esteem. I think it's a topic that has a great impact on human relationships, especially since currently, we are faced with personality problems.


Thanks to you, dear readers. Stay blessed, take care.

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